Agent Carter Icon Retro ShortSleeve Shirt For Guys

Agent Carter Icon Retro ShortSleeve Shirt For Guys
Agent Carter Icon Retro ShortSleeve Shirt For Guys

·         George Walker Bush, 43rd President; 20 January 2001 to 20 January 2009. Elected to two terms.

According to Wikipedia, during the Bush administration in the 1990’s, they “Paid Halliburton subsidiary Brown & Root Services over $8.5 million to study the use of private military forces with American soldiers in combat zones. Halliburton crews also helped bring 725 burning oil wells under control in Kuwait.” Other information about Halliburton an its subsidiaries include, “In the early 1990s, Halliburton was found to be in violation of federal trade barriers in Iraq and Libya…After having pled guilty, the company was fined $1.2 million, with another 2.61 mi

·         Ronald Wilson Reagan, 40th President; 20 January 1981 to 20 January 1989. Elected to two terms and survived an assassination attempt on 30 March 1981.

While President Carter’s conscience may have been urging him to fully disclose the information people needed, he allowed himself to do the wrong thing and keep vital information from the American public; that isn’t leadership, it is cowardice and incompetence. Personally speaking, this sounds like just one more example of a government cover-up aimed at protecting the politicians we call leaders and their pet projects. A compelling article about Jimmy carter on Seeker Blog states 7 words which sum up Jimmy Carter, “President Carter’s exaggeration of his nuclear experienc

Now is a good time to talk about the Branch Davidian Compound in Waco Texas in 1993. According to the Free Dictionary by Farlex, “Approximately 80 Branch Davidians died, including their leader, 34-year old David Koresh. In all, 57 Davidians died in the fire, while 23 died from gunshot wounds. Of these dead, 17 were children, some of whom died from gunshot wounds and some in the fire. Eighteen children and 22 adults left the compound unharmed during the seven-week standoff.” A report from PBS stated, “On April 18, in a conversation with Reno, the President endorsed the gas pla